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Presenting modelling tools for the energy transition

September 7th, 2023
Presenting modelling tools for the energy transition
Credit: iCube Programme

Mopo launches its video presenting its objectives and methodologies for a better energy system

The presentation video can be viewed here.

The video focuses on what Mopo project wants to achieve in the next few years: an improvement to the already state-of-the-art energy system modelling tools.

Starting from the Spine tools developed within another EU project, Mopo will include end-users to make Spine tools better in terms of usability, computational speed and visualisation capabilities. New data processing tools will also be developed to be used by utilities, developers and network operators. All tools will be tested in two case studies.

The video plays with shapes and colours that connect and morph into each other to recall the world of energy, data and systems. Don't miss it!

As a final goal, Mopo wants to develop tools that are highly open-source and customisable so that the reduction in emissions and energy costs can have a positive impact both on the environment and society at large.

Read more on the website:


Juha Kiviluoma, VTT

Communication manager

Chiara Serio, ICONS

Project website:
Twitter: @Mopo_project


Provided by iCube Programme

Citation: Presenting modelling tools for the energy transition (2023, September 7) retrieved 29 July 2024 from
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